Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hello everyone!  I will try to post more often, now that I have a super nifty computer, and a nifty new little Blogger widgit where I can make little posts all the time without having to log into the website. 

The weather is fabulous fabulous fabulous in Brussels today; Mike and I must have brought it back wiith us from Normandy, where the warmth and sunshine was such a welcome relief after MONTHS of cold, dreary, wet weather in Belgium.  This nice wether should last through the weekend at least, highs in the high sixties to mid seventies, lows in the 40s or 50s according to my neat little Weather Widget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your Blog! Is your e-mail address the same hotmail account it was when you first moved? I need to talk to one of ya'll.